Advantages Of The HK-VIP JAM5
High-power portable multi-band jammer.
Field programmability for rapid adjustment frequence with output Watt.
Modular construction for easy maintenance, repair and upgrade.
Jammer up to five different jamming modules simultaneously,and cover up to 10 different frequency bands.
Each module with LED display to show its working frequency ,output power and etc.
250-300 watts total RF output power.
Equipped with a remote control unit. The operator can ON/OFF each module through the wired remote controller.
Fully portable trolley-type case.
Internal battery, AC mains or DC power.
External LED display to indicate the battery level.
Designed with external backup battery input, adapted to external battery. Facilitating to change the battery timely for field use.
Bomb disposal squads, VIP protection, Special Police (S.W.A.T), military security forces, bomb squads, anti-terror units, anti-drug units, border control units, checkpoint personnel, these types of law enforcement personnel who benefit greatly from the deployment of any of these best-in-class portable RF jamming solutions.
They can conduct the law enforcement process more effectively to reduce the chance that the criminals leak the information.
Technical Specification
Based on its modular design and configuration our digital jammer can be easily operated, upgraded, serviced, repaired and adapted to its required use.
Digital Jammer modules can be changed easily and quickly just as changing the mobile phone battery. Different jamming frequency bands can be configured as the customers required immediately.
RF Frequency Band(MHz) Application RF Output Power (Watt)
20-100 HF,Radio Control Toys;Car Alarms 50
135-175/240-280 Walky-talky ( VHF ) 50
310-400 Remote Control ,Walky-talky ( UHF300 ) 50
400-470 Cellular NMT;Walky-Talky ( UHF400 ); Cellular CDMA450;Car Alarm; Remote Control 50
850-895;/925-960;725-775 Cellular CDMA800/GSM900, UHF800;LTE4G 50
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