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Hanker Defense Security Technology Co.,Limited
high power 8 antennas desktop cell phone jammer-25W/Band
 high power 8 antennas desktop cell phone jammer-25W/Band
  • Style No. : HK-HDJ8
  • Brand : HankerTech
  • Hits:     UpdateTime:  2020-09-19 18:38:46   |   Printing     Close 


This high power 8 antennas desktop cell phone jammer is the private latest design of HankerTech Technology. As the world first high power desktop cellphone signal jammer each channel output power up to 25W,which can also block GSM,CDMA,DCS/PCS, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, GPS,This cellphone jammer can meet your target of most general type of Cell phone frequencies.High power with large cover range,up to 150 meters.Good cooling system with 11 cooling fans inside.There have 4 Temperature control fans on the host,the fans not working immediately while the jammer started.The temperature control fans auto start running after the host surface temperature raise to 50℃ to ensure the jammer working steadily . It great for school classroom avoid exam cheat and oil/gas station keep in secure.The each band output power can be adjustable according to your request.



1,Large coverage, covering all 2G, 3G,4G,2.4G WIFI,GPS, signals.
2,High power cell phone signal jammer,up to 25W output power for each channel.
3,Good cooling system with 11 cooling fans inside.

4,There have 4 Temperature control fans on the host,the fans not working immediately while the jammer started.The temperature control fans auto start running after the host surface temperature raise to 50℃ to ensure the jammer working steadily.
5,Low noise.
6,Can adjust or turn off any single band without influencing the other bands operation.
7,Work non-stopped.
8,Stable capability.

9,This jammer can not use on vehicle directly,you can optional allocation 24V,35A battery if you want to use jammer on the vehicle(Contact us for the details) .

10,Optional Frequencies:vhf/25w,uhf/25w,315MHz/25w,433MHz/25w,868MHz/30w,1170-1280MHz/25w,1370-1390MHz/25w,

11,Total output power: 210W
12,Full set weight: 15kg

13,Power supply: AC 110V/220V and 24V DC.
14,Dimension: 520mm x 310mm x 90mm.